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Quick GRF response quells parking quandry


by Saundra Luther-Stark

LW contributor

A few months ago at Presidents’ Council meeting, I asked about illegal parking on Annandale Road. I shared that for over 18 months, I have received calls every other day from residents asking about people parking beside the plants at the end of carports, where there is minimal space for other drivers to manuever. When you back out, and a vehicle is parked right there, there is no where to go. Why hasn’t Security issued citiations, they ask me.

Security Director Victor Rocha heard me and asked if the curb was painted red. Of course, everyone laughed and said, “Saundra, we will bring you a can of paint!”

Also sitting in the audience was Physical Property Manager Kevin Black. A few weeks later, I ran into Kevin and reminded him of this issue on Annandale. He said send me an e-mail, saying he would look into it first thing Monday morning.

On Monday morning, I sent him a reminder and also copied Rich Stolarz, the Mutual 1 inspector. That afternoon, I was talking with Rich on other matters, and I reminded him of the email.

He said, “I know they are already painted!”

I go, “WHAT?” Never has anything moved so quickly.

At the last Mutual 1 board meeting, Kevin was our guest speaker and he shared about the painting of red curbs on Annandale and also Thunderbird and Church Place. After his presentation, I said, “Kevin, the shareholders of Mutual 1 who live on Annandale wantedmetogiveyoua hug. But since that is politically incorrect, I am instead handing you a certificate of achievement that reads: “Kevin Black has successfully completed the painted curbs on Annandale red. That set an all-time GRF record. This Physical Property Manager learned of a problem and in four days completed what normally would have to be approved by Committees! The shareholders of Mutual 1 are extremely grateful.” The certificate was signed: Mutual 1 Board of Directors.

For once, the board had a few minutes to smile, thanks to Kevin and the rest of the GRF team.

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