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Pickleball Club dominates in tournament play

Pickleball Club dominates in tournament play Pickleball Club dominates in tournament play

The Leisure World Pickleball Club challenged Laguna Woods players to a friendly tournament on Oct. 21. The Leisure World team took the win with 30 games to Laguna Woods’ 19. Needless to say it was a great time. So great, that at the end of the tournament the Laguna Woods team requested a rematch, the date of which is to be determined.

Jim Thomason is conducting new player lessons for free every fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Also, every Wednesday at 10 a.m. there are free drills for beginners who may want to practice and upgrade their skills.

For additional club information, contact lwsbpickleballclub@

— Jesus Sosa

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