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Lucille Martin celebrates 96 years with family

Lucille Martin celebrates 96 years with family Lucille Martin celebrates 96 years with family

Fourteen family members and Hector Galvez, her caregiver, came together to honor and celebrate Lucille Martin’s upcoming 96th birthday on Nov. 8. In attendance were her six children, three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Two of her children traveled from as far as Colorado and Washington.

Martin, of Mutual 15, has been a resident of Leisure World since 2006 and has been involved in many clubs such as the Democratic Club, Senior Patriots for Peace, and the Genealogy Club. She enjoyed attending dance classes and often was found in the gym exercising on a stationary bike until she got her own.

Martin had only two wishes for her birthday: to take a family portrait for the Leisure World newspaper and to eat ice cream. The gathering was a success in both regards.

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