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Shuffleboard Club aids friendship development

Shuffleboard Club aids friendship development Shuffleboard Club aids friendship development

One of the best benefits of belonging to the LW Shuffleboard Club is developing new friends. A recent visitor said, after just one visit, “everyone’s so friendly.”

On Oct. 31 at 5 p.m., the club will host a Halloween potluck party. Guests are invited to bring a snack to share. With appetizers and desserts (plus BYOB), there will also be a modified version of shuffleboard— On the Lines—to play. Everyone, including guests, has an equal chance of winning. Closed-toed shoes required. All members are invited to attend.

Both Tuesday evening and Friday morning leagues reached the halfway mark of the fall season last week. The winter league season will begin after the first of the year and will end in March. There is also a spring season of play. New teams will be created for the next two seasons, making it easy for new players to join the fun and friendly competitive matches.

Oct. 17 winners: Team Rod, winning seven games out of 12, slipped past Team Sally. The teams were closely matched. Team Rod had two all-game winners: Capt. Rod Osgood and new player and substitute for the night, Sue Burkshab. Capt. Sally led her team winning all-game winner honors for Team Sally.

Team Chandra and Team Jack also played close games, with Team Jack winning seven of the 12 games. Team Chandra had five of six players winning half of the games they played. Team Jack had two all-game winners: veteran players Sandy Derouin and Elizabeth Martinez.

Team Karen did not compete Oct.17 as the team had a scheduled bye.

Oct. 20 winners: Team Sally’s players were at the top of their morning game winning ten of 12 games over Team Carol. Jack O’Brien earned all-game winner honors for Team Carol while Team Sally had four all-game winners, all veteran players: Sally Fowler, Enrique Gracia, Patty Peterson and Bob Ponegalek.

Team Milly and Team Rod split their 12 games with each team winning six. Team Milly had one all-game winner, veteran Anita Girou, as did Team Rod, veteran Doris Morton.

Three players from other teams not playing Friday morning substituted for Friday’s teams: Chandra Patel, Micki Aiello, and Donna Perkins. Without substitutes, games would have to be forfeited. Everyone appreciates the generosity of the subs.

Team Shel had a bye for the fifth competition of the fall season.

For information about the upcoming Halloween party or the club, contact membership coordinator Patty Peterson at 562-714-7072. — Kay Mount

Dolores Cook (l-r), Kay Mount, John Mount and Betty Buldan all live near one another in Mutual 15. Almost all LW mutuals are represented in the club, with Mutual 15 having 15 club members.

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