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Reap the benefits of weight loss and better health with Wa-Rite

Reap the benefits of weight loss  and better health with Wa-Rite Reap the benefits of weight loss  and better health with Wa-Rite

The Wa-Rite Club meets on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, from 9-10 a.m. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45 a.m. and are optional for visitors. The annual membership fee is $10. Weekly dues are 10 cents. All female residents looking to improve their health and fitness and lose at least 10 pounds are invited to join any of the club’s meetings, and should arrive no later than 8:45 a.m.

At its Oct. 13 meeting the club celebrated Reta Lombardi as a top loser with a 1.5 pound weight loss. She believes that her dog has gained some of it as there were more leftovers since she cut back on the portions. Velma Sarna earned the master’s degree and shared her weight loss journey with others.

Several years ago, Sarna needed open heart surgery. Her doctor told her she might be able to avoid the surgery if she could lose enough weight. Sarna’s family, medical team, and her Wa-Rite friends became her support team. Without the surgery, Sarna did what she had to do to improve her health. Many pounds later, she continues to attend Wa-Rite’s weekly classes to maintain her weight and serve as a support for other women fighting the same battle. Wa-Rite is proud to have her as part of its team and appreciates her support.

Henrietta Peavy spoke about intermittent fasting such as reducing the food consumption window, fasting for a day, and avoiding or increasing certain types of foods. Studies show that intermittent fasting may reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, prevent cancer and age-related cognitive deterioration as well as increase lifespan.

—Denise Stabile

Oct. 13 top loser Reta Lombardi (l) and the master's degree holder Velma Sarna.

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