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LW Pool Club

At the halfway point in the American Division of the pool league, Joker’s Wild holds a four game lead over the Cue Crew. Joker’s Wild beat the Rustlers 8-5 on Oct. 16, and have a record of 50 wins and only 28 losses. Steve Mitchell of Joker’s Wild had five wins, including both of his singles matches.

The Cue Crew beat the Cue Commandos 8-5 with Bruce Pettys winning five and both his singles. Pettys leads the league in singles wins for “A” players.

The Renegades evened their record at 39 wins and 39 losses as they beat the Sharp Shooters 9-4. Guta Basner had a big night for the Renegades, winning six games and losing only an eight ball doubles match.

At the Wednesday league, the top two teams met for their final encounter of the regular season. Right on Cue expanded their lead to five games by beating the Favorites 8-5. Tom Zimmerman and Ray Friedrichsen lead Right on Cue by winning five games each.

Shot First, Then Shape took Hot Sticks by a score of 8-5. Although Hot Sticks won four of the six doubles matches, Shot First won five singles matches and the final eight ball game. Erick Ward, John Barth and Brian Tivnan each won four games for Shot First, Then Shape.

The Stevenators edged X Factor 7-6. John Burns led the Stevenators with five wins and took both of his singles matches.

For more club information, contact Steve Edrich at 714-980-3665. — David Silva

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