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Women’s Golf Club

The Leisure World’s Women’s Golf Club holiday luncheon will be Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Officers will be installed and tournament payouts will be made. Tickets and more information will be available soon.

Thirty-eight golfers played in the weekly tournament on Oct. 10 for low gross, low net and birdies.

A flight winners: Low gross: Devora Kim, 27, with birdies on holes No. 2 and No. 8; low net: Sandy Derouin, 24, with a birdie on hole No. 5. Birdies were achieved by Linda Herman on hole No. 8 and Sun Lee on hole No. 7.

B flight winners: Low gross: Veronica Chang, 28, with a birdie on hole No. 1; low net: Clara Sun, 22. Birdies were achieved by Karen Mendon on hole No. 2, Bert Thompson on No. 3 and Nancy Reid on holes No. 7 and 9.

C flight winners: Low gross: Joann Lim, 28, with a birdie on hole No. 2; low net: Keiko Sekino, 23. Patty Littrell had birdies on holes No. 2 and 8.

D flight winners: Low gross: Patti Smith and Neva Senske, 36, with Senske having a birdie on hole No. 8; low net: Sue Elliott, 27.

Those interested in joining the club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information. — Liz Meripol

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