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Woman’s Club Tabletop Games

The Woman’s Club of Leisure World will host tabletop games on Friday, Oct. 20 from noon-4 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. There will be a drawing at the beginning of the games. Sweet treats, coffee and tea will be served.

There are many different games to join or people can bring their own. While card games seem to be the most popular, players may also find Mahjong, Yahtzee, Mexican Train and a few other more unusual games. Membership is not needed to attend. The club especially encourages new residents of Leisure World, both men and women, to come and make friends.

It costs a $1 donation to play. This helps support the Woman’s Club philanthropies. To see the $1 at work, attend a meeting of the Woman’s Club. Not only is a check presented to various charities, but there is also live entertainment and refreshments. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month in Clubhouse 2. Doors open at 1 p.m.

Those interested in knowing more about the Woman’s Club of Leisure World can contact Kathy Russell at 949293-7517.

Any questions or concerns regarding the tabletop games can be directed to Jan Krehbiel at 562-431-8240.

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