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Tournament Poker Club

Tournament Poker Club Tournament Poker Club

Those who would like to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em for a $5 buy-in should make plans to play with the Tournament Poker Club on Oct. 21. Regular tournaments are on the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6. Registration begins at 10 a.m. There will be treats and coffee available. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

The club had a great tournament on Oct. 7. The players with the two highest hands of the day were Nancy Floyd, who had a straight flush from 2-6, and Kathy Elliott, with a full house A-A-A-K-K. By playing and winning with the promotional hand of J-3, Donna Hernandez won the prize.

The final table players were: Maryanne Conte, first; Katie Hamilton, second; Jeff Rolnick, third; Steve Edrich, fourth; and Guta Basner, fifth. The group played a great game right up until the heads up play between Hamilton and Conte. The flop came 3-7-8 and holding 7-10, Hamilton went all in and Conte called with 5-8. The turn brought another 8, giving Hamilton a pair of 7’s and Conte triple 8’s. The river card (K) didn’t change anything, and Conte’s triple 8’s was the winning hand.

Conte has lived in Leisure World for 22 years and has been a member of the club for 15 years. This was her third final table win. In addition to tournament poker, Conte also enjoys playing Omaha and 3-card limit poker here in Leisure World. She also volunteers for Meals on Wheels and at Los Alamitos Hospital.

The club congratulates all the winners.

For club information, email Deborah Barner at deborahbarner7@

— Deborah Barner

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