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Take your love for dancing to the next level on Thursdays in CH 2

Take your love for dancing to the next level on Thursdays in CH 2 Take your love for dancing to the next level on Thursdays in CH 2


Joyful Line Dance Club meets on Thursdays in Clubhouse 2, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The club will have a special class from 10-10:30 for newbies to teach easy and simple dances. Over the past nine years, the club has welcomed many members and dance leaders. One of them is Sunny Kim. She has been a loyal member of the club and a leader since her move to Leisure World from Los Angeles with her husband in May 2021.

After joining the club, she hasn’t missed a single class. Kim’s passion for line dancing led her to become one of the club’s leaders. She is always willing to help, quickly picks up the dances others introduce to the class, and enjoys both fast and slow tempos. One of the best parts of it all is being a member of this energizing, close knit community, meeting people and making lifelong friends.

Kim normally leads the bailando boogaloo with Anna Derby, and has expanded her repertoire to new dances to make new members feel welcomed and have fun.

Through tough times and good times, the club appreciates its leaders and loyal members. Everyone is welcome. Exercise shoes are required. All attendees and their guests must sign in as they enter the class. For more information, text 562-301-5339.

—Anna Derby

Sunny Kim shares her energy and skills with the class in Clubhouse 2.

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