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Recital will show off new digital piano

Recital will show off new digital piano Recital will show off new digital piano


Yuri Lotakov will perform at a piano recital on Sunday, Oct. 22, at 3 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, presented by the Vietnamese American Club and the French Club.

In a world that’s shifting toward the digital realm ever more quickly, the acoustic piano is no longer the only king of the stage. Several companies have struck a fine balance between the traditional and the innovative, the Roland GP series being at the top.

Leisure World has been fortunate to acquire its very own brand new Roland GP9 digital grand piano. The organizers thank the Golden Rain Foundation for making this happen.

Lotakov will introduce the modern masterpiece of acoustic engineering and digital wizardry.

“How close does the GP9 get to the real thing? It, of course, has the gorgeous aesthetics of a grand piano, but does it truly recreate the singular musical experience of a grand piano?” Lotakov said. “Let’s find out together.”

—Yuri Lotakov

Yuri Lotakov will perform using the GRF's new Roland GP9 digital grand piano.

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