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Art League announces October award winners

Art League announces October award winners Art League announces October award winners

The LW Art League met Oct. 10 in Clubhouse 4. The guest demonstration artist and judge was Michelle Zumstein, a pyrography artist.

Before the start of the demonstration, Susie Ralston announced that the Lapidary Club is having an open house exhibition on Oct. 28 in Clubhouse 4. Art League members are invited to join the exhibition and show and sell their artworks.

The club voted on a new award category system for the monthly competition. Ballots were passed out at the meeting.

At the end of the demonstration, Marion Higgins announced the vote results: the club will adapt the “art entry by level of experience” system with the winners receiving ribbons and a walk-by before the audience. The new system will be implemented in 2024.

At the club’s monthly competition, Terese Smith won the best of show and popular vote awards. In the masters category, Barbara Simundza won first place; Shel Magnuson, second; Art Salazar, third.

In the intermediate/advanced category, Bobbie Turudic won first place; Allyn Constant, second; and Daniel Prosek, third.

In the 3D/craft category, Nina DeRosa won first place; Judy Sherratt, second; Elizabeth Butterfield, third; and Allyn Constant, honorable mention.

There was one new member, Mary Hebert, who joined at the meeting.

In 2024, Susie Ralston, Art Salazar and Jay Young will step down from their positions as president, treasurer and vice president of programs, respectively.

The club needs volunteers to fill their positions. An email will be sent out to all members with the job description of each position.

The next Art League meeting will be held Nov. 14. The next “Spotlight On The Artist” event will be held Nov. 25. It will feature ceramics artist and teacher Ramayana Baba.

—Larry Sioson

Top place award winners at the LW Art League's monthly competition held on Oct. 10: Bobbie Turudic (l-r, front), Terese Smith, Nina DeRosa and Barbara Simundza (back).

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