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New players are welcome to play

New players are welcome to play New players are welcome to play


The Cribbage Club meets each Tuesday at noon in Clubhouse 1. New players are welcome. Yearly dues are $5 and $1 is collected from each member before play begins. Refreshments are served starting at noon. Members arriving by 12:15 are assured a place to play. Announcements are shared at 12:25, and play begins at 12:30.

Jack Hawn provided a beautiful “Happy Fall” cake and ice cream. Jack and Margaret Smith served the delicious refreshments, and Melinda Cowan provided the group with nuts and assorted candies. The club thanks them all.

The week’s winners: Ron Jackson with 841, first place; Minda Burkschab and Candy Meyers, 830, second; Wanda Bemben, 829, third; Jim Schneiderman, 828, fourth.

Alma Zamzow finished with six 121’s and Marie McGuire had no wins.

For more information, call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665.

—Mary Holder

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