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Japanese American Club

Japanese American Club Japanese American Club

The Japanese American Club will meet on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 11 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, for a potluck lunch.

The club will provide turkey and ham, and members will provide the sides for an early Thanksgiving celebration. Members are asked to bring dishes to serve 6-8 people or pay $10. Pumpkin pie will be provided for dessert.

The guest speakers will be Kazuko Monobe and Leona Hasegawa regarding their latest mishaps. The Kishabas are donating items for sale at meeting. Members will be contacted by the club’s telephone committee around the Friday, Oct. 13, weekend to get a head count for the event.

All residents are welcome join the potluck. For more information about the club or meeting, call Sherie Vanek at 714-916-6313.

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