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Fall season yields surprise results

Fall season yields surprise results Fall season yields surprise results


When new Shuffleboard Club members begin their first season of league play, there are highlights and disappointments. The club attempts to pair new players against other new players until after their third league competition to help reduce the let-downs. However, this year there have been some surprising results. First, the club has more new members—a total 18—playing in one of the two leagues than in any year in recent history. Second, 50% of the new members have won all of their games during any given competition date. Two of those all-game winners, Lynn Baidack and Rosie Grogan, have won the recognition on two different dates.

Oct. 3 winners: Team Sally slipped past Team Karen 7-5, and had two all-game winners, both who are beginning players: Susan McKaig won both of her games, and Susan Hopewell won her single game. Team Karen also had two all-game winners: veteran player Roger Bennett won both games and new player Rosie Grogan won her single game in a tie-breaker shoot-out, which are always exciting. Team Chandra sailed past Team Rod, winning 10 of the 12 games, and had five players who were all-game winners: Chandra Patel, Carrie Kistner, Patty Peterson—all veteran players— plus new players Minda Burkschab and Lori Probert.

Team Jack did not compete as the team was the designated bye for the week. There was a misprint in last week’s paper. It was Team Chandra that had the bye for week one.

Oct. 6 winners: Team Milly blasted past Team Shel, winning 10 of the 12 games, and had two all-game winners: Anita Giroud and Dennis Kotecki. Team Shel had one all-game winner: Chandra Patel.

Team Carol catapulted past Team Rod, winning 10 of 12 games, and had four all-game winners: Harshad Patel, Jack O’Brien, Mo Habel and Kay Mount, playing as a substitute for Team Carol.

Team Sally had a bye for the week.

For more information, call membership coordinator Patty Peterson at 562-714-7072.

—Kay Mount

Veteran player Anita Giroud (third from left) mentors new players Minda Burkschab (l-r), Sue Rotter and Susan Jac-

quelin at a recent Monday morning open play practice.

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