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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

It’s not too late to drop by Community Church’s Drive Thru Food Drive today, Oct. 12, from 10 a.m.-noon with non-perishable food donations. Missions Team members will be on hand to greet people at their vehicles to offload the items. Donations may also be dropped off at the church office during the week. The food collected at this drive will be picked up by the Long Beach Rescue Mission.

Community Church will continue its study of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi and Matthew’s Gospel. The church will focus on the banquet of grace that God has prepared for people and their participation in the celebration. This Sunday, Oct. 15, is the second week of the annual stewardship campaign which will conclude on All Saints Sunday as the church celebrates those who have finished their course in faith.

The church will hold another Pizza with the Pastor event on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at 11 a.m. in the fellowship hall. This is a great opportunity for those who have had questions about the church to come and meet Pastor Johan Dodge and some of the leaders of the church.

Those who are looking for fellowship are welcome to join worship this Sunday, Oct. 15, at 9:50 a.m., followed by a time fellowship and light refreshment. Come early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. The church is located inside Leisure World at 14000 Church Place. People can also watch the service live on Facebook @CommunityChurchLeisureWorld and Zoom. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.

Call the church office at 562-431-2503.

Rev. Johan Dodge

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