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Church members head to Israel for 11 days

Church members head to Israel for 11 days Church members head to Israel for 11 days


In commemoration of the 13th anniversary of the founding of the church, Leisure World Korean Community Church (LWKCC) will hold its first trip to the Holy Land (Israel and Jordan) for 11 days and 10 nights from Oct. 17-27.

Senior Pastor Yong Jang-Young lead the group of 39 people in prayer every Saturday to prepare for the trip. The group studied the sacred sites of the trip in advance. The journey includes Tel Aviv, Israel via Istanbul and Turkey. Then, the group will travel through Jerusalem, Beersheba, Bethlehem, Caesarea, Nazareth, Galilee, Hermon, Masada and the Dead Sea. The group will finish its trip in Jordan, visiting Mount Nebo, the King’s Highway, Petra, Aqaba, and the Red Sea.

Pastor Young also edited the Holy Land (Jordan, Israel) booklet that was given to the group.

The fifth LWKCC family trip is scheduled to take place from Dec. 4-8 with 68 members going on a cruise to Catalina and Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

LW Korean Community Church is located next to St. Andrew’s Gate at 14000 Church Place. It meets every Sunday at 11:50 a.m. in the sanctuary. After the service, lunch is served in the fellowship room.

Every Tuesday -Saturday, at 6 a.m., LWKCC holds an early morning prayer service in the sanctuary, led by the senior pastor. On Saturdays, the church serves breakfast in the fellowship hall through the Saturday Breakfast Ministry Team.

The church also hold seminars on how to use smart phones every other week.

For more information about the church and its activities, people can call 714-323-0897, or send an email to

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