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Scrabble Club spells it out weekly

Scrabble Club spells it out weekly Scrabble Club spells it out weekly

The Scrabble Club met on all four Wednesdays in September. The members recorded 63 scores above 300. Six of them were higher than 400. There were 42 bingos (i.e. the use of all seven tiles in one move).

Diane Seeger and club president Larry Edgar each posted 11 scores higher than 300. Seeger had four bingos and a top score of 388. Edgar had two bingos. His best score was 472.

Bob Ruderman topped 300 seven times and recorded 10 bingos. His top score was 429. Jim Schneiderman had six totals higher than 300 and six bingos. A 402 was his best game.

Sue Ann Gass and Zoe Pickell each topped 300 four times. Their respective best scores were 351 and 337. Gass had one bingo.

Myrna Loscuandro and Marilyn Moody each had three scores above 300. Loscuandro had three bingos and a best total of 396. Moody’s high score was 356.

Former club president Maria Giegerich and Sylvia Makus each bettered 300 twice. Their best scores were 359 and 305 respectively. Giegerich had two bingos. For more information, contact Larry Edgar at ledgar72@gmail. com.

— Larry Edgar

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