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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

At the Sept. 14 meeting of the Photo Arts Club, Ben Benjamins began the PowerPoint program by reviewing photography topics: making better photographs, direction of light, hot spots, absence of detail, absence of information, image sharpness, depth of field, focus point, balance, location of subject, the rule of thirds, subject in relation to its environment and supporting elements.

After this review of all the essential elements of image creation, Benjamins showed the photos that had been sent to him by the photographers. As all photos were viewed, the group worked together to analyze each of the photos using the principles reviewed on PowerPoint.

The Photo Arts Club will meet on Thursday, Oct. 12, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The assignment will be “landscape” photos taken with a camera or phone. The landscape scene can contain water or not; it’s up to the photographer.

Members should take new photos instead of sending in photos taken in the past. The group will look for the application of the photography principles discussed at the meeting. People should email three of their best photos to Benjamins at to be shown at the meeting. People should send the photos at least two days beforehand.

People can also bring photos of their choice to be displayed and to be commented on. Hooks and labels are available for members who wish to hang framed photos in the hall of Clubhouse 3. Individuals with technical or other questions will be paired with someone who can help them for individual discussion after the meeting. Everyone is welcome.

To ask questions about cameras, iPhones or photography, or to share photos, visit the club’s Facebook page, titled “Photographic Arts Club of Leisure World.” All are welcome to join the private group. To join, hit the “join” button, and LW residents will be approved.

For information about the club, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

—Regine Schumacher

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