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Meeting set to consider zoning changes in city


The City of Seal Beach will host an interactive community meeting on the upcoming Zoning Code Update, which will create a new, high density residential mixed-use zone.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, 211 Eighth St., in downtown Seal Beach.

The new mixed-use zone is expected to be utilized in certain commercial centers where there is an opportunity to incorporate housing into the environment, to implement the city’s Housing Element and Regional Needs Housing Allocation.

The Zoning Code community meeting will be held in person in the Council Chambers, and will also be broadcast through SBTV-Channel 3 and Seal Beach Council Chambers YouTube channel. Both in-person and remote participants will be able to engage in real time with the community meeting through a mobile site that will be made available for the public at the start of the community meeting.

The mobile site will allow for community participation and feedback through quizzes and polls, and provide an opportunity to ask questions. Input from the community is crucial in shaping the project as it proceeds, and participation is highly encouraged. To learn more about the zoning code update, visit: https://www. Community- Development/ Planning-Development/Zoning-Code-Update.

For questions or additional information, contact Megan Coats in the Community Development Department at 562431-2527 ext. 1345 or

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