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LW Women’s Golf Club

The Leisure World Women’s Golf Club Weekly Tournament had 46 golfers participating. The women played for low gross, low net and “chip-ins,” which means the player gets the ball in the hole from off the green.

A flight winners: Low gross: Linda Herman, 25; low net: Jane Song and Janice Turner, 25. Judy Kim had a chip-in on hole No. 8.

B flight winners: Low gross: Veronica Chang, 30; low net: Sue Yokomi, 25. Sun Lee had a chip-in on hole No. 3 and Young Yoon on hole No. 9.

C flight winners: Low gross: Keiko Sekino and Kang Hong, 35. Hong had a chip-in on hole No. 7; low net: Helen Yoon, 26. Patty Littrell had a chip-in on hole No. 6. Angela Han had chip-ins on holes No. 6 and 7.

D flight winners: Low gross: Neva Senske, 35; low net: Elizabeth Butterfield and Kum Delius, 26.

Fifth week tournament Chair Karen Mendon announced the fifth week tournament will be Oct. 31. It will be a shotgun tournament starting at 8:15 a.m. Plan on wearing a costume. Details are in the golf clubhouse.

Those interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact Club Treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information. — Liz Meripol

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