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LW Pool Club

The monthly LW Pool Club tournament was held on Sept. 23 in Clubhouse 2. There were 12 teams playing seven games of eight ball against different opponents. Partners were drawn randomly by the 12 highest rated players.

Tom Zimmerman and John Barth won their first five games. In round six Dave Silva and Dave Mackinder handed Zimmerman and Barth their first loss. In round seven Zimmerman and Barth bounced back to win their sixth game and take first place. The two Dave’s, Silva and Mackinder, won their last game to take second place with five wins. Several teams were tied for third place with four wins.

At the Monday night pool league on Sept. 25, the Cue Crew beat the Rustlers 9- 5 to take a one game lead with a record of 23 wins and 16 losses. The standings are really close, with three teams tied for second place, only one game behind. The Pool Club Board tried to make the teams as even as possible. The Cue Crew won five singles matches and lost only one. Bruce Pettys and Brian Burke each won five games for the Cue Crew.

Joker’s Wild won over the Sharp Shooters 8-5. Steve Mitchell of Joker’s Wild won five games and Frank Sablan won both of his singles matches.

The Cue Commandos edged the Renegades 7-6 to move into a tie for second place. Wild!fire Christensen won five games for the Cue Commandos, including both of her singles matches.

In the Wednesday night league, The Favorites beat Hot Sticks 10-3. Dave Silva, Dave Mackinder and Connie Terry all had five wins for The Favorites. The shot of the night was made by Elizabeth Butterfield as she made a long cut shot in the corner to win the final game for the Hot Shots. This win for The Favorites moved them into first place, with a record of 22 wins and 17 losses.

Right on Cue beat the X Factor 8-5 to stay within a game of the lead. Ray Friedrichsen of Right on Cue won six games, including both of his singles matches.

Vader’s Raiders edged the Stevenators 7-6 and are tied for second place, only one game behind The Favorites. Russell Black led Vader’s Raiders with five wins. The Raiders won four of their doubles matches and the tied breaking triples match at the end of the night.

The LW Pool Club dues for the year, which runs from October 2023 to October 2024, are $10. For more information, contact Steve Edrich at 714-980-3665.

—Dave Silva

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