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Letters to the Editor


On Sept. 28, there was an article written by Kathy Thayer concerning insurance review. Being an instructor here at Leisure World, I have paid the $150 fee, as the class was removed from the board until the fee was paid.

I take exception with two things in that article. The first being that this kind of fee is usual. I teach for many venues and Leisure World is the only venue to charge this fee. Larger senior communities, such as Del Webb or the villages in Florida, do not charge this fee. Smaller senior communities, such as Landmark Community in Huntington Beach, do not charge this fee either. People live and move into LW because of the amenities offered and the safety of living in a senior community.

Every year I renew my insurance and send that renewal sheet to all the venues. There is no further review needed. All my venues get a copy of my certifications, my current CPR and my insurance.

The other point I take issue with is the comment that people that don't charge for their services do not have this review. My concern is that anyone who is in front of a group of people doing any kind of instruction needs to be both certified and insured and have a CPR certificate or there my friends is the liability to Leisure World. All instructors need to be treated with the same discretion, as there is the same club space usage, the same equipment wear and tear but most importantly, to ensure the safety of the Leisure World resident.

Adrianne Rosenfeld Mutual 14 Editor:

On Sept. 29, Dianne Feinstein died. Dianne had been our senator for 30 years and 10 months. The day before Dianne died, she was on the Senate floor voting.

When Leisure World celebrated its 50th anniversary, Dianne sent us a large signed picture congratulating Leisure World on that milestone event. It was displayed in Clubhouse 2.

No woman has served our state for so long. More importantly than how long she served is how well she represented the issues important to seniors. If you want to know how a representative votes you can find that information on Project Vote Smart, a non-partisan website.

The Alliance for Retired Americans, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare gave Sen. Feinstein a 100% voting record on issues important to seniors.

Hopefully, her replacement will care about seniors as much as she did.

Dave Silva Mutual 12 Editor:

The widespread unprotected outdoor cutting of countertop here in Leisure World is something the maintenance department needs to abate and monitor closely.

On several instances, I’ve reported clouds of countertop dust created in my immediate Mutual 14 area by open-air cutting. It’s a serious health risk for contractors and residents that needs to be addressed immediately. Stevin Cohen Mutual 14 Editor’s Note: The California State Contractors Licensing Board and the manufacturer’s specifications set the guidelines for installation of countertops (and all other construction jobs). All contractors who work in LW are vetted by the GRF Physical Property Department to make sure they are licensed and insured. If a resident witnesses an apparent violation, he or she can report that to the department by calling 562-431-6586, ext.365.

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