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Learn the anatomy of a scam Friday

Learn the anatomy of a scam Friday Learn the anatomy of a scam Friday


Karen Rossi from the Council on Aging in Southern California (COASC) will discuss the anatomy of a scam with the Sunshine Club on Friday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Rossi’s 45 minute presentation will discuss the four main characteristics of every scam. While scams or fraud may vary in appearance, they all have the same four characteristics regardless of how they appear. Rossi will also discuss why reporting is important, to whom to report to, and ways people can safeguard themselves and their assets/estate against scams.

The Senior Protection Program focuses on elder financial abuse both through education and awareness of how to recognize scams and fraud as well as fielding calls from individuals who think they or someone they know may be a victim of a scam or fraud. The program is the source for resource referral whether it be legal assistance, local law enforcement, Adult Protective Services, or just information to keep one’s assets/ estate safe from fraud.

Rossi is the program coordinator for the Senior Protection Program at the COASC. She has been with the Council for over eight years working as the production manager for ANSWERS magazine as well as the Senior Protection Program.

Rossi has a bachelor’s in science degree from Purdue University, an MBA from Pepperdine, and a Fiduciary Certification from Cal State Fullerton. She is also a member of the Financial Abuse Specialist Team, the FBI Citizens Academy, and the Elder Abuse Forensic Center.

The Council on Aging will be celebrating its 50th year in OC. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Irvine. It houses seven programs under their corporate umbrella, including the Senior Protection Program. The Senior Protection Program is the proud recipient of the 2023 Partner of the Year award from Public Law Center.

In the month of October, there will be four speakers including Rossi on Oct. 6. Alice West from Transform Your Space will speak on Oct. 13; Mark Odom, Vice President of Alzheimer’s’ Orange County, Oct. 20; and Dr. Megan Witbracht, a researcher from UCI Mind, Oct. 27.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome.

People are asked to arrive promptly so as not to disturb the speaker’s presentation. Those who arrive late are asked to quietly use the back door.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-3015339.

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