RFID distribution goes off without a hitch

Mutual-by-Mutual distribution will continue into November
Since last week, the GRF Security Department has distributed hundreds of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags at the 1.8-acre site in its quest to make sure every person with a valid Leisure World ID will have one vehicle registered during this initial roll out in September and October.
It is important to note that after Jan. 1, 2024, people will not be able to use decals to gain entry into the community. People must have an RFID tag on their vehicle or show a valid Leisure World ID to enter. Without an RFID tag or a Leisure World ID, it could delay entry into Leisure World. Decals are still important, as they are used by the Mutuals to ensure that people are authorized to park in carports.
Without one of these two forms of identification, people will be required to pull over and wait for GRF Security staff to verify their identity, which may cause a noticeable delay.
With the RFID tagging process now underway, Security reports short wait times as residents queue up at the 1.8acre site in accordance with a Mutual-by-Mutual schedule (see page 2) to get a tag placed on a front headlight.
The longest wait time so far is about 25 minutes, with the first hour of distribution being the most congested. People who arrive later in the day can anticipate shorter wait times and expedient service.
RFID tags are part of Leisure World’s new gate access system that will significantly heighten security in LW. Security Director Victor Rocha emphasized that RFID tags are the best and most efficient way of verifying who is entering the community.
Once the new system is implemented, decals will only be used by Mutuals to verify which vehicles are authorized to park in carports.
In the case of rain on a Mutual’s distribution date, Security will close operations for that day because moisture impedes the adhesion of RFID tags on headlights. Therefore, rainedout Mutuals will be accommodated during the make-up week starting Oct. 30.
The RFID tag distribution is one tag per one LW ID card. Tags for additional vehicles, golf carts, etc. will be issued at a later date. If multiple vehicles are issued for one LW ID at this time, the second and all subsequent vehicles will not be entered or activated.
Here are some quick facts to make the distribution process an easy one for all residents: Who can receive an RFID tag?
Any person who possesses a valid Leisure World Identification Card may receive one RFID tag for one vehicle with a valid GRF decal without charge. To receive an RFID tag, people must have a valid Leisure World decal on their vehicle.
Decals are available at the Decal Office next to the Café in Building 5. The Decal Office is open Tuesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.4 p.m. (closed noon-12:30 p.m.).
To receive a decal, people must have the following: (1) valid state issued driver’s license, (2) valid vehicle registration, (3) valid vehicle insurance, (4) valid GRF Identification Card.
Where do I pick up my RFID tag?
People can pick up their RFID tags at the 1.8-acre site, located in the northwest corner of the community in Mutual 9 (formally known as the “minifarms”).
When do I pick up my RFID tag?
Residents of each Mutual and building have been assigned a date to pick up their RFID tags.
The hours of distribution will be 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cars may not line up earlier than 8:15a.m. on Oak Hills Drive.
Before entering the 1.8-Acre site, Security will verify all four documents (valid license, vehicle registration, vehicle insurance and GRF Identification Card). Upon entering 1.8 Acre site, people will complete a form to list the four permanent guests they want on their account.
In addition, people will need to provide a password for their account (the password may be any type of name or object or set of numbers).
Distribution Calendar
To ensure the RFID tag issuance is completed in an efficient manner, Security is distributing RFID tags by Mutual.
If people miss their assigned day for any reason (illness, vacation, etc.), there will be an opportunity to obtain an RFID tag on a make-up day. Be advised that the make-up day will be after regular distribution of all RFID tags are made, so issuance of the RFID tag will be during the last week of October.
The Security Department will be distributing over 10,000 RFID tags. The process will take nearly two months to complete. Therefore, Security cannot offer any specific day or timed reservations for RFID distribution, nor can Security accommodate any special requests. Any residents in line for a tag on a day that they have not been assigned will not receive an RFID tag.
Distribution Dates: Mutual 1
• Buildings 49-64: Sept. 21
• Buildings 65-70, Sept. 22
Mutual 2
• Buildings 1-11: Sept. 22
• Buildings 12-28: Sept. 23
• Buildings 29-45: Sept. 25
• Buildings 46-62: Sept. 26
• Buildings 63-72: Sept. 27 Mutual 3
• Buildings 1-7: Sept. 27
• Buildings 8-24: Sept. 28
• Buildings 25-36: Sept. 29 Mutual 4
• Buildings 37-42: Sept. 29
• Buildings 43-59: Sept. 30
• Buildings 60-76: Oct. 2
• Buildings 77-89: Oct. 3 Mutual 5
• Buildings 69-72 and 90-97: Oct. 3
• Buildings 98-114: Oct. 4
• Buildings 115-126: Oct. 5 Mutual 6
• Buildings 53-57: Oct. 5
• Buildings 58-68 and 127-131: Oct. 6
• Buildings 132-144: Oct. 7 Mutual 7
• Buildings 145-149: Oct. 7
• Buildings 150-166: Oct. 9
• Buildings 167-176: Oct. 10 Mutual 8
• Buildings 177-183: Oct. 10
• Buildings 184-200: Oct. 11
• Buildings 201-205: Oct. 12 Mutual 9
• Buildings 206-216: Oct. 12
• Buildings 217-233: Oct. 13
• Buildings 234-237: Oct. 14 Mutual 10
• Buildings 238-250: Oct. 14
• Buildings 251-260: Oct. 16
Mutual 11
• Buildings 261-267: Oct. 16
• Buildings 268-286: Oct. 17
Mutual 12
• Buildings 6-11 and 34-45: Oct. 19
• Buildings 46-47 and 55-67: Oct. 20
• Buildings 68-78: Oct. 21 Mutual 14
• Buildings 1-5: Oct. 21
• Buildings 12-30: Oct. 23
• Buildings 31-33 and 48-54: Oct. 24 Mutual 15
• Buildings 1-11: Oct. 25
• Buildings 12-23: Oct. 26
• Buildings 24-35: Oct. 27
• Buildings 36-48: Oct. 28 Make Up Days
Make up days for those who missed their assigned pick-up date will be held Oct. 30-Nov. 4.
The translucent RFID tags are placed on the driver-sidefront headlamp of each resident's chosen vehicle.Emma DiMaggio
Security Services Manager Larry Norlander (l) and Security Director Victor Rocha (r) verify resident documents at the 1.8-acre site in the early morning on Sept. 18.Emma DiMaggio