MedCare offers prescription deliveries

The CVS pharmacy located in Rossmoor, 12490 Seal Beach Blvd., no longer offers home delivery for prescriptions inside Leisure World, effective Sept. 8.
Residents who require delivery from CVS can sign up for mail delivery. Same-day delivery costs approximately $6-7 per delivery. People can also sign up to get unlimited deliveries for $5 per month through CVS’s CarePass program. People should be aware that there may be restrictions on mailing certain controlled substances. For more information, call the pharmacy at 562-5964533, visit or speak to a pharmacist at the address listed above.
MedCare Pharmacy, which will move onsite to replace the LW pharmacy that closed in February, is currently operating off Harbor Boulevard in Santa Ana. MedCare offers next-day and, in some situations, same-day delivery to Leisure World. MedCare is a SCAN provider.
To transfer prescriptions to MedCare, call 714-557-2982. Be prepared to provide insurance information or the information of the patient’s previous pharmacy.