Recap of Board Activity, Aug. 22
Approved consent agenda: MOVED and approved the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors Minutes, July 25, 2023; Accept the Interim Financial Statements May 2023 and June 2023; Accept the Reserve Funds Investment Purchase; and Audit and Transfers of Funds for GRF per Civil Code 5502.
General: Appointment to Community Rules Violation Panel: MOVED to appoint Director Damoci to replace the moderator for the Community Review Panel.
Reserve Funding: Rubberized Golf Walking Path:
MOVED to award a contract to Robertson Recreational Surfaces for the replacement of the rubberized walking path to the Golf Course bridge for a cost not to exceed $14,195, including a 10% contingency, Reserve funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
Reserve Funding: Elevator Cab Remodel: MOVED to award a contract to Elite Elevator Services for remodeling the Administration Building elevator cab at a cost not to exceed $20,427, which includes 10% contingency, Reserve Funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
Governing Documents: Amend 20-5585-1 Advertising Policy: MOVED to amend 20-5585-1, Advertising Policy, updating verbiage throughout, as presented.
Governing Documents: Amend 30-5604-3, Publication of Board Minutes: MOVED to amend 30-5604-3, Publication of Board Minutes, making minor language changes, and assigning it the number 13-5604-3.
Governing Documents: Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms: MOVED to amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms, incorporating the new term, “Permanent Guest,” and renumber the glossary rule as 13-1001-5.
Governing Documents: Amend 40-5506-3, Request for Proposal (RFP) Requirements: After discussion, policy 40-5506-3, Request for Proposal (RFP) Requirements will be returned to the Administration Committee for further review.
Governing Documents: Amend 40-3326-1, Purchasing Warehouse Guidelines for Mutual Inventory and Non-Inventory Purchases: MOVED to amend 40-3326-1, Purchasing Warehouse Guidelines for Mutual Inventory and Non-Inventory Purchases, modifying language throughout and consolidating it within rule 40-3325-1, Purchase of Non-Standard Items; further moved to change 40-3326-1 title to Purchasing Warehouse Guidelines and designate it as 14-3326-1.
Governing Documents: RESCIND 40-3324-2, Purchasing Fees; 40-3324-1, Purchasing Fees and 40-3325-1, Purchase of Non-Standard Items: MOVED to rescind 40-3324-2, Purchasing Fees; and 40-3325-1, Purchase of Non-Standard Items.
Cost Recovery: Optum Lease Renewal: MOVED to approve the amended language in the Optum lease contract for the Leisure World healthcare facility, extending Optum’s lease at a rate of $65,000 per month for 60 months, with the lease’s five-year term commencing October 1, 2023.
Cost Recovery: FINAL VOTE: Adopt Section 2.4, RFID Transmitters, Within 10-2000-2, Consolidated Fee Schedule: MOVED to ratify 10-2000-2, Consolidated Fee Schedule, and section 2.4 of the rule, approving fees for multiple RFID tags..
Cost Recovery: FINAL VOTE: Adopt Section 1.2., Temporary Member RV Parking, Within 10-2000-2, Consolidated Fee Schedule: MOVED to ratify section 1.2. of Rule 10-20002, Consolidated Fee Schedule, approving fees for temporary Recreational Vehicle parking for Members.