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LW Women’s Golf Club

The Leisure Word Women’s Golf Club weekly Tuesday tournament on Aug. 15 had 40 golfers participating. The women played for low gross, low net and “chip-ins,” which means the player gets the ball in the hole from off the green.

A flight winners: Low gross: Devora Kim and Soo Choi, 29; low net: Sang An and Jassica Choi, 25. Choi and Janice Turner each had a chip-in on hole No. 2.

B flight winners: Low gross: Hae Lee and Alison Kim, 32; low net: Karen Mendon and Veronica Choi, 27.

C flight winners: Low gross: Mary Ann Moore, 30 with a chip-in on hole No. 7; low net: Patty Littrell, Joann Lim and Sue Yokomi, 23. Pam Krug had a chip-in on hole No. 9.

D flight winners: Low gross: Cecilia Han, 33; low net: Sanghi Kim, 24.

Those interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information. — Liz Meripol

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