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Democratic Club

Democratic Club Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

Members of the Democratic Club’s “Get Out the Vote in 2024” taskforce are preparing for the launch of a “Neighbor to Neighbor” program that will begin in September. The immediate goal is to establish a visible, friendly and helpful presence in every Leisure World neighborhood. The long-range goal is to increase the number of voters in the March 5 Primary Election.

Training sessions for club members who will reach out to neighbors are scheduled for Sept. 24 and Oct. 4 . Call Taskforce Chair Kathy Moran at 805588-5141 or email for information.

The club continues to provide a venue for residents to learn more about candidates and issues involved in the down-ballot races. The third session of the voter education series is scheduled for Sept. 20. It is designed to help potential voters understand key issues of importance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, whether or not they are running for public offices. Email Bev Bender at Beverleybender@ or call 562-594-9148 for information.

Leisure World residents will have the opportunity to vote for whomever they want as their representative on the county’s board of supervisors in the March 5 primary. Democrats currently hold three seats on the board, while Republicans hold two. Republican Andrew Do, LW’s current District 1 representative, will be termedout of office at the end of 2024.

The issues involved in this race will be the topic for discussion during the club’s next meeting on Sept. 27. Cypress City Council member Frances Marquez, a candidate for District 1, will lead a discussion.

In addition to Marquez, three Republicans are also vying for the position.

There are a limited number of free tickets available for anyone who wants to attend the first annual Democratic Party of Orange County Convention. This event has been rescheduled to take place in October. The convention will include a number of workshops related to the 2024 elections. Email mlarson. or call 562296-8521 for more information or to reserve a ticket.

The club’s information and registration booth is open on the first Tuesday of each month

Members of the LW Democratic Club training for the club's "Get Out the Vote in 2024" taskforce. from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse 6 parking lot. Democrats and potential supporters are invited to stop by the booth to get more information about the club or to register to vote.

The Seal Beach Leisure World Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter.

All Leisure World Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter. This semi-monthly publication covers more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates. Email or call 562-296-8521 to sign up. It is important to include full contact information.

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