Bocce Club play starts Sept. 5

The Leisure World Bocce Club will start fall 2023 league play on Tuesday, Sept. 5. League games will be on Tuesday and Saturday mornings beginning at 9, and on Thursday and Sunday afternoons beginning at 11:45. All returning players should have received their new schedules and procedures via email. The fall league will continue for seven weeks until late October, with the finals and party scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 4. The court is available for practice or casual play any time except during league play. Those not signed up for regular league play are welcome to join up as a substitute player to fill in on any day available. There will be a substitute list posted at the bocce court for anyone to sign up by leaving their contact information.
The Bocce Club is currently working on improvements to the court with the Facilities Committee and hope for some great changes in the next year. Those interested in learning more about the Bocce Club can contact Rhonda Cox at 714-904-6458.
The object of the game is to toss one's bocce balls closer to the target than the opponent's. The game can be traced back to ancient Egypt. The court is located at Clubhouse 2.