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Any person who possesses a ….

Any person who possesses a valid Leisure World identification card may receive one RFID tag for one vehicle with a valid GRF decal without charge.

The GRF Board of Directors is currently reviewing the process for residents with additional registered vehicles.

RFID tags will be distributed at the 1.8-Acre site on each Mutual’s assigned distribution date. The hours of distribution will be 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cars may line up no earlier than 8:15 a.m. on Oak Hills Drive.

Before entering the 1.8-Acre site, Security will verify all four documents (valid license, vehicle registration, vehicle insurance and GRF identification card). People will not be able to receive an RFID tag without presenting these documents.

Upon entering 1.8-Acre site, each person will complete a form that will include a list of the four permanent guests they want on his or her account.

In addition, each person will need to provide a password for the account (the password may be any type of name or object or set of numbers).

If people miss their assigned day for any reason (illness, vacation, etc.), there will be an opportunity to obtain an RFID tag on a make-up day.

Be advised that the make-up day will be after regular distribution of all RFID tags is completed, so issuance of the make-up RFID tag will be in later October.

The Security Department must distribute over 10,000 RFID tags. The process will take nearly two months to complete. Therefore, Security cannot offer any specific day or timed reservations for RFID distribution. Residents have all day to obtain an RFID tag on their assigned day.

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