Community Church
People are often challenged by the words of Jesus as contained in the Scriptures of the Bible. Perhaps most so this week, as Community Church studies a passage in the bible where Jesus says to his followers that eating with dirty hands doesn’t matter. In light of the recent pandemic and the ongoing instruction to regularly wash hands, especially before eating, what are people to make of these strange words of Jesus? Pastor Johan Dodge will go over this passage on Sunday, Aug. 20, at 9:50 a.m. in the church sanctuary, located at 14000 Church Place.
Those who have been made to feel less welcome are welcome with open arms at Community Church’s services.
People can also join the service on Facebook at @CommunityChurchLeisureWorld and on Zoom. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.
Those who are in need without another way to address that need may call the church office to leave a message at 562-431-2503.