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Wa-Rite Wa-Rite

Wa-Rite July meetings have served as opportunities for accountability and celebrations of success. The total weight loss for June was 25.5 pounds. But even with a holiday, members have lost a total of 18 pounds in just the first two weeks of July.

After earning the queen of May title (total loss of 8 pounds), Karen Green also snagged the top loser title (weekly loss of 3 pounds) at the July 14 meeting. Green attributes her continuing success to eating nutritious foods in appropriate quantities and exercising.

June queen Marianne Barlow is another frequent visitor to the winner’s circle. She lost a total of six pounds and earned her bachelor of goal weight in June. Another frequent contender, Bea Quintana, grabbed the title of top loser for the week of July 7 with an impressive loss of 2.5 pounds.

At the July 14 meeting people had an opportunity to discuss the benefits and importance of hydration following the timely and informative presentation by member Linda Rich. While hydration is important all year, it is particularly critical during the hot summer months. Rich reminded everyone to keep water bottles handy and sip often instead of waiting to get thirsty. Thirst is a red flag of the beginning stage of dehydration.

Wa-Rite offers a nonjudgmental and supportive environment that provides information, accountability, and shared experiences to members who work toward their common goal of making the most of their golden years by being as healthy and fit as possible. Members range from those maintaining their ideal weight to those working toward that goal.

Those interested in better health, more energy and some light-hearted camaraderie are welcome to stop by up to three times for free and check it out.

Wa-Rite meets every Friday in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45 a.m. Meetings are from 9-10 a.m. Annual membership fee is $10. Weekly dues are 10 cents.

—Denise Stabile

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