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LW Chorale

The Leisure World Chorale is one of the oldest performance clubs in Leisure World. Over the years, there have been numerous changes and several dedicated, talented directors and accompanists. Currently, Galit Levy-Slater is the director and co-president along with Connie Young.

Summer is not always the easiest time to recruit new members; people are on vacation, trying to stay cool, don’t like getting up early to sing.

The club’s membership, however, is in need of a boost as it prepares for the holidays.

After a brainstorming session, it was decided that instead of having one holiday showcase, the group will be carolers, roaming from pool to exercise room, office to office, clubhouse to clubhouse, to entertain with holiday music, dances and a few surprises.

The club needs rehearsal days more than once a week, so in addition to its Monday morning meetings from 9-11 in Clubhouse 3, Room 4, it will also meet on Thursdays at 1 p.m. The location of the Thursday rehearsal will be announced at a later date.

Members are having fun and rediscovering the club’s purpose. It’s looking for new voices with a desire to entertain. For more information, contact Galit at 562-715-0888 or duets@icloud. com. —Galit Levy-Slater

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