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Art League announces winners of monthly competition

Art League announces winners of monthly competition Art League announces winners of monthly competition

The LW Art League met on July 11 in Clubhouse 4. The guest demonstration artist and judge was Cody M. Lusby, a contemporary virtual artist from Long Beach.

At the monthly competition, Rosie Grogran won best of show, and Carmen Leslie won the popular vote.

In the master’s category, Kelly Frankiewicz won first place; Carol Levine, second place; Alice Sioson, third place; and Rosie Grogan, honorable mention. In the intermediate/advanced category, Daniel Prosek won first place; David Vogel, second place; Judy Sherratt, third place; and Marion Higgins, honorable mention.

In the 3D/multimedia/ digital category, Diana Harrison won first place; David Vogel, second place; Judy Sherratt, third place; and Linda Frysinger, honorable mention. One new member, Helen Elich, joined the meeting.

The Art League will not have a regular meeting in August in lieu of a “Spotlight On The Artist” event on Saturday, Aug. 12. The featured artists will be Terese Smith and Patti Kilian. More information will be sent out via emails to members or through the LW Weekly.

—Larry Sioson

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