Scrabble Club
The Leisure World Scrabble Club met on all four Wednesdays in June. There were 57 scores above 300, two of which were higher than 400. There were also 27 bingos (the use of all seven tiles in a single turn).
Diane Seeger led with eight scores above 300. She had a high score of 398 and two bingos. Bob Ruderman topped 300 seven times and recorded ten bingos. His best score was a 397.
Jim Schneiderman scored higher than 300 six times. His best score, 424, was the club’s highest for the month. He had seven bingos. Club President Larry Edgar had five totals above 300. One of his wins was his 500th as a member of the club. He had one bingo and a high score of 421.
Wanda Bemben topped 300 five times. She had one bingo and a high score of 357. Sylvia Makus, Marilyn Moody and Maria Giegerich each bettered 300 four times. Their best scores were 377, 370 and 360, respectively. Makus had one bingo.
Kay Pushman and Sue Ann Gass each scored above 300 three times. Their best scores were 347 and 335, respectively. Zoe Pickell, Dave Crandall and Myrna Loscuadro each bettered 300 twice. Their respective best scores were 341, 328 and 308. Crandall had two bingos.
The club meets each Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 5. New members, including beginning players, are welcome.