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at the club meeting on ….

at the club meeting on Aug. 23. The club hopes to have a third candidate for the position, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, to speak at the Sept. 27 meeting.

Residents are reminded that July is the LW Democratic Club’s candidate support and voter outreach annual fundraising month. All club members who contribute to this campaign will have their 2024 membership dues waived. Contributions should be sent to SBLW Democratic Club, P.O. Box 2205, Seal Beach, CA 90740.

The club’s information and registration booth will be open again on Tuesday, Aug.1 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse 6 parking lot. Democrats and potential supporters are invited to stop by the booth to get more information about the club or to register to vote.

The club’s nominating committee is assembling a roster of candidates for its 2024-2025 board of directors. Anyone interested in being considered for a position on the board should call 562-296-8521 or 562-594-4156.

The publicity committee is looking for volunteer writers, an assistant newsletter editor, a web designer and researchers. Email mlarson.telfords@gmail. com or call 562-296-8521 for details.

Leisure World Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter. This free semimonthly publication covers more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates.

To subscribe, email mlarson. or call 562-296-8521. People do not need to be a club member to subscribe. It is important for people to include their full contact information, as well as party affiliation.

The Seal Beach Leisure World Democratic Club believes that facts and the truth do matter. Everything appearing in this weekly column and in the twice a month newsletter has been fact checked to the fullest extent possible.

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