Legends of Rock hump day dance
Based on the great turnout of Leisure World rockers and dancers, the Pickleball Club is pleased to announce they are again sponsoring a Wednesday “Hump Day” dance party free to all Leisure World residents and their guests.
The dance will be held on Wednesday, July 12, in Clubhouse 2 from 5:30-8 p.m.
The live music dance party features the Legends of Rock (LoR) Dance Band, which plays throughout Orange County and includes Leisure World resident Jon Pearlstone.
The LoR Dance Band plays music that makes people want to dance and party—featuring the best in classic rock dance tunes from artists like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty and many more.
All concerts are BYO-everything, with donations greatly appreciated.
For more information, contact Legendsrocktribute@gmail.com or join their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100086479654224 for other fun dance and live music events.
Legends of Rock