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Tournament Poker

Tournament Poker Tournament Poker

The next casino tournament is Saturday, June 24 in the Clubhouse 6 Lobby at 10 a.m. Bagel breakfast will be served.

Registration is $20 for members, and $25 for non-member LW residents. Late registration fee on June 24 is $25. For more information, call or text Deborah Barner at 325-721-0687.

Five tables of eight players participated a tournament on June 10. Two players with the highest hands of the day were: John Burns (QQQJJ) and Seung Hong (JJJQQ). The new club member Kathy Segroves won a promotional hand.

The final table players were Renato Villanueva, fifth; Joyce Smith, fourth; John Burns, third; Guta Basner, second; and Roger Montero, first.

With five great players there was plenty of action at the table right up until the heads up play between Basner and Montero. In the winning hand, the flop came 6, 6, 10. Montero (6-10) went all in before the flop and Basner, with (K-10), called. The turn was an ace, and the river was a 3. That gave Montero the winning hand of 6-6-6-10-10.

Montero has lived in Leisure World for just a few months and been a member of the club right from the beginning. This was his second final table win. He also enjoys dancing and golfing here in Leisure World.

The club congratulates the winners and invites all who are interested to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em on one of the first three Saturdays of the month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6 at 10 a.m. No late seating is allowed.

—Deborah Barner

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