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LW Bus Tours

The GRF Transportation Department will conduct monthly bus tours of Leisure World on Tuesdays for new and recently moved-in residents.

Included in the tour will be GRF clubhouses, Turtle Lake Golf Course, Mission Park and its activity courts and gaming rooms, the 1.8Acre disposal and recycling area, as well as the Leisure World Library and the Main Gate bus station.

The 1.5-hour tours will begin at the bus hub on the east side of the Amphitheater north of the Administration Building.

Stock Transfer can book tours when new buyers check in, or people can schedule one at https:// outlook. office365. com/ owa/ calendar/ NewMemberBusTours@ lwsb. com/bookings/.

For more information, contact Melissa Gomez by emailing or calling 562-431-6586, ext. 326, or Kathy Thayer by emailing or calling 562-431-6586, ext. 398.

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