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Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly will welcome special guest Traci Brewer-Sommer on Sunday, June 25, as she kicks off the service with worship. She will also be at the evening service to share her testimony.

Brewer-Sommer is the daughter of Joanie Brewer and her late husband Randy, longtime friends of former lead pastors Pastor Gwyn and Ginny Vaughn.

As a worship pastor for over 20 years, Brewer-Sommer has a unique ability to blend the latest music with the most beloved traditional hymns and worship. With a heart of worship and a calling on her life to lead people into the presence of the Lord, Brewer-Sommer says, “We were created to worship our creator. When we focus our hearts and minds solely on him, worship him for who he is and ask him for nothing, he meets all our needs. Worship brings healing into the house of worship and prepares the hearts of the people to hear the word.”

Sunday service times are at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Those who are interested in growing through community are welcome to join the men’s or women’s ministries. The groups meet the third Thursdays of each month at 1 p.m.

To receive more information about the church or to receive the free monthly newsletter, call the office at 562-598-9010, email or visit

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