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Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club Cribbage Club

On June 13, Cribbage Club members Gene and Margaret Smith celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary by treating all in attendance to a homemade carrot cake. Gene Smith serves as a vice president of the club and Margaret arranges for refreshments each week. The club appreciates their service. Melinda cowan provided candy and mixed nuts. Carrie Kistner assisted with serving.

Prize winners for the weekend were: Sam Ray, first place, with a score of 843; Minda Burkschab, second, 840; Carrie Kistner, third, 838; Cleo Looney, fourth, 829; and Kathy Moore was welcomed as a new member.

Anyone interested in learning how to play cribbage or more about the club can call and leave a message with Terry Thrift at 714-394-5885. Annual dues are $5. One dollar is collected from each member before play begins. Members who come by 12:15 p.m. are guaranteed a place at the table. Announcements are shared at 12:25 p.m. and play begins at 12:30.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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