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Community Church

Paul is a polarizing figure in the early church. Paul had a powerful conversion experience that changed his name from Saul to Paul and turned his life upside down. He went from persecuting the followers of Jesus to become one of Jesus’ followers. The question then becomes: does Paul’s way need to be the believer’s way? What are some other ways that people can follow Jesus?

This Sunday, June 25, Community Church will look at Paul’s story of transformation and spend some time thinking about the work that God is doing for all believers.

Community Church welcomes all people. Jesus spent his ministry on the margins of his society inviting in those who had been ostracized and called other. The church strives to follow in his footsteps.

People are welcome to join the service on Sunday at 9:50 a.m. in person or online on Zoom and on Facebook @CommunityChurchLeisureWorld.

People can contact the church office to receive the Zoom link. The in-person service is followed by food and fellowship.

For more information, call the church office and leave a message at 562-431-2503.

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