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Seniors for Peace

The next Seniors For Peace Club meeting will be on Thursday, July 6, at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2 or 9 (TBA).

The club has arranged for representatives from Athens Services, LW’s waste disposal provider, to explain and clarify the mandatory organic waste recycling program to all interested residents now that the program has been in effect here in LW for some time now. There will be ample opportunity for residents to ask all their questions regarding the program.

The organic recycling program was mandated by the State of California last year to stop the huge amounts of food scraps and other organic waste from being dumped into landfills which release massive amounts of methane into the environment.

The club encourages all Leisure Worlders to attend this important meeting. Those interested in attending should call Pat Kruger at 562-357-4040 so that the club can gauge the size of the audience and make a decision on which room to reserve.

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