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Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club Cribbage Club

On June 6, Richard McCarty treated 53 members of the Cribbage Club to chocolate cake, ice cream and mixed nuts. Candy Meyers and Carrie Kistner served all members in attendance. Refreshments were also served and appreciated.

Kistner recorded her first perfect score of 847 and earned her first star. The same day, Myrna Baker achieved a second perfect score of 847. Bob Berry and Jesus Sosa tied for the second place with 834. Minda Burkschab was third with 833 and Suzanne Parks, fourth, with 827.

Other members of the club weren’t as fortunate. Bea Lissow won six of the seven games played but ended with a total score lower than 827. Dolores Cook and Irvene Berstein lost all seven games. The club congratulates its high scorers and wishes luck to others.

Anyone interested in learning how to play cribbage or more about the club can call and leave a message with Terry Thrift at 714-394-5885. Annual dues are $5. One dollar is collected from each member before play begins. Members who come by 12:15 p.m. are guaranteed a place at the table. Announcements are shared at 12:25 p.m. and play begins at 12:30.

Carrie Kistner and Myrna Baker earned perfect scores.

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