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Pool Playoffs

On May 15, two LW pool leagues met in a playoff to determine the spring league championship. The goal is to have the second- and third-place teams in each league play two out of three series of eight ball games. The winner of that match would meet the first-place team in a race to two games. The break was determined by the teams lagging a ball closest to the end rail. All three players on each team played one shot only in rotation.

In the Monday league the second place team, Right on Cue beat the third place team, PJJ, to meet the league champions In the Money. In the Money beat Right on Cue two straight games to advance to the championship match.

On another table, the second place team from Wednesday, The Favorites, beat Triple Threat two straight games. In their match against the Ruffians The Favorites won the first game, but lost the second. In the final game the Ruffians scratched the cue ball and that gave the Favorites’ Connie Adkins ball in hand on the eighth ball in the side pocket for the win.

The championship came down to Monday league winners of In the Money: Kurt Bourhenne, Ken Harpham and WildFire! Christensen against The Favorites’ Wednesday winners: Dave Silva, Dave Mackinder and Connie Adkins.

In the Money’s Kurt Bourhenne won the lag and broke. In the Money won the first game, but The Favorites tied it up by taking game two. Game three came down to The Favorites having one solid ball and In the Money having three stripes on the table. In the Money made the last three balls and Ken Harpham was left a straight in shot on the eighth ball in the corner, with the cue ball nearly frozen to the eight. Bourhenne made the shot and In the Money won the spring league championship.

On May 22, the club we will have its final game of the season with the sweepstakes event. The sweepstakes will consist of six games where each Monday night team will play each Wednesday night team one game of eight ball. The top four teams will receive cash prizes.

—Dave Silva

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