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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

At the May 11 meeting of the Photo Arts Club, Ben Benjamins reviewed the many photos taken at the club’s field trip to Rancho Los Alamitos. He mentioned how impressed he was with the photos sent to him and called them very artistic. He commented on how light plays such a strong role in the making of a photo.

Light can play a major part in the composition. The contrast between the photos taken with an overcast sky vs. those taken in bright sunlight could be seen in the photos (members experienced both during their afternoon at the Rancho).

Both situations created different, not necessarily better, results, which were observed and discussed during the presentation.

The Photo Arts Club will meet Thursday, June 8, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.

The assignment is to submit photos of a building or buildings. Members should consider taking a photo at dusk when the lights have been turned on in the building.

Think about the play of light on the building. Members should send three photos to Ben at to be shown at the meeting.

Hooks and labels will be available to hang framed photos in the hall of Clubhouse 3.

Individuals with technical or other questions will be paired with someone who can help them for individual discussion after the meeting. Everyone is welcome.

For information about the club, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

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