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Art League competition winners announced

Art League competition winners announced Art League competition winners announced

The LW Art League met May 9 in Clubhouse 4. The guest demonstration artist and judge was mixed media artist Juan M. Gomez. He began the demonstration with a slide presentation of his artistic rope knot creations. Shortly after, he gave a brief demonstration on how he designs his creations.

Rita Hughes won best of show. Terese Smith won the popular vote. In the masters category, Alice Sioson won first place; Rosie Grogan, second; and Carol Levine, third. In the intermediate/advanced category, Pamela Lynne Farnell won first place; Linda Frysinger, second; and David Vogel, third.

In the 3D/multimedia/digital category, Linda Frysinger won first place; Alice Sioson, second; and Diana Harrison, third. Two new members, Yolanda Blanco and Tania Allee, joined at the meeting. The Art League will meet on June 13.

—Larry Sioson

Top place award winners at the LW Art League's monthly competition on May 9 were Linda Frysinger (l-r, back to front), Alice Sioson, Terese Smith, Rita Hughes and Pamela Lynne Farnell.

Betty Lucero (l) was the raffle winner on May 9. The prize was a rope knot art creation donated by artist Juan Gomez.

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