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Genealogy Club

The Genealogy Club will meet May 24 at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Look for signs outside the door. Social time begins at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting at 10, which will also be streamed via Zoom. Sign in a few minutes before 10 at https://us02web.zoom. us/j/86968781803?pwd=b1RWdmlyVlE3UVk3bTV2WnJlVEtldz09.

Ron Gilmore will present Hands on Ireland, with the focus on Irish genealogical records, their location and access in Dublin, Belfast and elsewhere. Various sample records will be shown at the presentation aong with a total 900 photos of Ireland take by Gilmore on his trip. It will also include tips on currency, customs and touring, and car rentals in Ireland.

After retiring from his career as a management consultant in IT, Gilmore dedicates his time to genealogy for family investigations in Ireland, UK, France, Germany and Canada. He presented to several genealogical societies in California and Canada on his favorite topic—Ireland.

—Mary Romero

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