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Recreation Amenity Update

by Kathy Thayer

Recreation Manager

Excessive club setup policies pulled for further study

The GRF board decided to pull two reservations policies off the April agenda at the last minute for more review. These amended policies would allow GRF to charge clubs for excessive setups: that is, requiring more than a total of one hour setup, teardown, cleanup, and AV assistance provided by one custodian. The board sent the policies back to the Recreation Committee. After discussion at the meeting, it was decided to send this to a work study once the new committee structure is implemented in July.

The discussion included the possibility of exempting 501(c)(3) organizations that raise money for Leisure World residents. It was also recommended that new clubs and existing ones at the time of renewal will need to work with staff on the setup they would like, which may or not be approved depending upon how elaborate it is. That procedure was approved and is now being implemented. Another director suggested allowing only the one hour for setup and teardown and any time required for one custodian beyond that would come off of their reservation time.

Recreation did reach out numerous times to offer clubs a consultation on their current setup; only four clubs took us up on it.

Amenity questionnaire results

Results of the New Amenities Questionnaire were published in the LW Weekly on May 4. They may also be viewed on Over 1,900 residents responded. Overall, we did not see much enthusiasm for new amenities and virtually all ideas would only be supported if they did not raise assessments. This is valuable information for the committees that plan for the future. The survey was conducted using Survey Monkey, which program GRF owns, at virtually no cost to shareholders. The digital version includes comments that could not be calculated.

Big events coming up

We are busy preparing for the Amphitheater season, special events, running bus trips, and acclimating to the new GRF structure. The July 4 Classic Car Show, BBQ and Craft Fair is coming soon. If you are a member of a craft club, ask your leadership if they have signed up for the biggest event of the year. See page 19 for more information.

New food trucks

Finally, we are in negotiations with several food trucks to be added to a monthly rotation. Of all of the requests on the survey, more food options were No. 1. If the community supports these businesses, we can count on them coming back and if not, they will require that we guarantee a certain level of sales to return. If you have a favorite truck, we are open to more suggestions.

We welcome your respectful input and inquiries on all things Recreation. Please let us know what is on your mind.

For further information, contact

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